Peter Jay Shippy



My Birth


Now I know that when I was born

I was a strange delivery. The doctor

Wasn’t in the room with me. Mother

Was away on hush-hush, but she left

Her voice in an amp embedded

In the lime wall. The staff was behind

Mirrored glass but I didnt know

I could be seen, so I swallowed

A camel while straining for a gnat. 

Mother said: “Time and tide wait

For no man, even if he’s sea pea.”

The doctor used robotic arms

To tousle my umbilical cord while

His robotic teeth bit me free

From my host, who resembled a fine

Kansas City T-bone. Mother said:

“You’re the broom against my doorsill.”

I cried when suddenly I realized

I wouldn’t be free to cry ever again.







A sun shower lit

A beard of violets.


The dog-eared playground

Was plump with drunken


Bees and basking dads.

Skateboarders heaved


The ex-pool. One kid’s

Wheelie ended in squid.


“The world of birds

Is gifted with anarchy.”


A downpour of hairy

Air gripped the beeches,


Broadcasting mast across

Sand and boardwalk. 


A black copter. Then

It shrunk up, leaving


Cherry blossoms, no,

Flyers: The Anchovy


Township beached whale

Rescue team is holding


Try-outs Sunday, 9

A.M. Bring your own pail.